The Perfect Pointe Book

Hi Guys! This is the official blog for my fantastic new ballet book, "The Perfect Pointe Book"! The book is designed too teach you how to get strong enough for pointe work. It has tests to see where you are at, and exercises to help you get stronger in all the right places! Feel free to post any questions or comments you have, and update me on your progress!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Clams and Piriformis Stretch

This video demonstrates the correct way to perform Clams and Piriformis Stretches. Unfortunately Clams are frequently taught incorrectly so I have created this video to show you the correct way to perform this exercise.


Rises And Prances En Pointe

This is a great exercises to help you to start working through your demi pointe.

Rises With Transfer

Rises in first position with a transfer of weight is a fantastic way to strengthen and train the extrinsic muscles of the lower leg and foot. This video demonstrates how to perform this exercise correctly.

Pointe Through The Demi Pointe

Clawing the toes is very common amongst dancers. Unfortunately clawing the toes can cause many different problems so it is important to strengthen the small foot intrinsic muscles in order to keep the toes long.

The Tendu is one of the fundamental steps of classical dance. Performing Tendu can be a fantastic exercise for strengthening the feet and lower legs so I have created this little video to help you perfect your Tendu.