The Perfect Pointe Book

Hi Guys! This is the official blog for my fantastic new ballet book, "The Perfect Pointe Book"! The book is designed too teach you how to get strong enough for pointe work. It has tests to see where you are at, and exercises to help you get stronger in all the right places! Feel free to post any questions or comments you have, and update me on your progress!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Question... What Are Elastics On Pointe Shoes For?

Hi Guys, I had this question posted on the blog earlier today and as it is a question I get asked a lot, I thought it deserved its own post...

"Hi Lisa. I am about to go on pointe and am not sure whether I need elastics on my shoes or not. I see some of the Advanced girls have elastic as well as ribbons - what are they for? Thanks, (Anon)"

Often girls use elastics to help keep the heel of their shoe on, but this is usually not necessary if the shoe is fitted well. If the shoe is too small, then some girls find that the heel pops off when rising through demi-pointe. I would never use the elastic as a matter of course, and only if you have tried many shapes of shoes, and the ones that fit you foot the best insist on sliding off. I have many girls who do not use elastic, and some that will not consider performing without it. It is personal preferrence. Trying a shoe with a deeper heel, or using an adhesive heel grip are other alternatives.

Mostly the elastic is attached to the center of the heel and then around the ankle to keep the shoe on, however some girls with an extreemely arched foot require a supportive wide elastic band across the front of the shoe to help hold them in. This is usually a strngth issue so should be only very temporary.

I hope this helps!!

Happy Dancing,

Lisa Howell (B.Phty)

Perfect Form Physiotherapy

Newsletter 3 - Improving Height Of The Leg En L'air

I hope you liked the clip on youtube! Amazing huh? If you find any other cool videos, feel free to post me the link so I can check it out. Or, you can even upload a video of you doing the tests and exercises from "The Perfect Pointe Book" so that I can see how you are doing!

If you havent downloaded a copy yet, go to

You can download it immediately and save delivery time! Most of my girls print it out,and then take it to a copyshop to get bound and with a clear plactic cover. This makes it really easy to use as you can flip to and from the workbook at the back.

Question of the week...

With quite a few competitions and exams coming up, a common question I have had this week is... "How do I get my legs higher with a developpe?".

So many dancers have good flexibility when stretching, but find it hard to use this when dancing, especially with a developpe. If you simply practise the step over and over, often the result is bulky thighs, with not a lot of increase in range. This will happen if you are trying to use the front of the leg to lift, rather than controlling the leg from the hip.

* To work out all the true muscles needed to work the leg devant, lie on your back, with your legs out straight and your hands on your hips.

* Slowly pull the foot up into a retire position (feel your inner thighs working!).

* Make sure that the hips stay square, and dont hitch or twist!

* Slowly unfold the leg as for a developpe working on controlling the turnout from the hip, and lengthening the leg.

* You will not be able to cheat by tucking the pelvis in this position, but the leg will feel a lot lighter, so you can focus on correct placement!

* Slowly lower the leg, making sure you use your abdominals so that your back dosent arch!

* If you can control the leg and pelvis well with a developpe to 90 degrees without moving the hips, you will be able to acheive a much greater height of leg when you let the pelvis become involved (it has to begin to shift a little above this). However, if you are hitching and struggling to get to 90 degrees, you will find it very hard to improve beyond this point unless you really focus on your stability!

You can also do this for a developpe a la seconde (Lying on your side), but make sure that your hips start and end nice and square. You do need to rotate the pelvis slightly towards the end of the movement, but this should be gradual, and only as much as you really need!

If you practise developpe in this position, your muscles will learn how to control the leg much easier, and you will find that your range improves quite quickly! Then, when you practise in standing, everything feels alot more familiar!

Good Luck!

Keep those posts coming, I love hearing how you are going with your dancing!

Happy Dancing!!

Lisa :)

Lisa Howell (B.Phty)